Sterling ASI is contracted by the BSHA to manage the property effective October 2022 and is responsible for monitoring maintenance and repair issues, answering homeowner questions, and providing document requests. Request services or pay your Annual Assessment via their website.

Landscaping of BSHA Complexes
Landscaping services for BSHA Common grounds. Contractor is responsible for cutting the grass from the fence to your home and edging along the flower beds. They are also responsible for weeds and trimming in the common areas as well as ant control and the operation of the sprinkler system.
Landscaping of City Easements (Right of Way)
Landscaping service is provided from the sidewalk to the street.
Sprinkler System and Schedule
Landscape outside the gates and within the gated area, including your property is watered. Each system operates on a time schedule.
Individual Trash Service
Private trash contractor will pick up all trash twice a week (Tue and Fri except holidays). Trash should be bagged and may NOT be put out until the morning of pickup. Recycling services are provided by the trash contractor. Kindly follow their requirements.
Transfer of Property
Sterling ASI
C/O Baldwin Square Homeowners Association
6842 N. Sam Houston Pkwy W.
Houston, Texas 77064
Customer Service:832-678-4500
Fax: 832.678-4510
Midtown Management District
Please follow this link for information on the Midtown Management District.
Any and all changes to the exterior of your Townhome or the Townhome Site require the approval of the Modifications Committee. A homeowner is required to submit an application describing the modification and no work should commence until the application is approved. This application can be emailed, faxed or mailed to Sonya Bradley
The Modifications Committee has created, and the Board has adopted, BSHA Design Guidelines which will assist a homeowner with proposed changes.
Changes legislated by the State of Texas may be located in the document 2011 Texas HOA Amendments.
The Amended and Restated Declarations of Covenants and Restrictions for Baldwin Square (Deed Restrictions) supersede the Design Guidelines and have exclusive jurisdiction over any modifications, additions or alterations made to Townhomes or Townhome. Amended covenant resolutions (refer to 2011 changes above) will be also be posted here:
Each resident is responsible for beauty, appearance, and weed control in the flower beds in front of and on the side of their townhouse (applies to end units), as well as all trimming of bushes and shrubs within the flower bed areas. Inattention may result in force-maintenance with fees charged to the homeowner.
Exterior changes to a home or property must have prior approval from the Architectural Review Committee. A Modification Request Form (form) is used to submit the request to the Committee. The form can be faxed or emailed to Sonya Bradley. Most requests are handled within a few days.
Garbage removal service on Tuesday and Friday after 7am. Garbage may be placed behind your garage in a container or in bags. The deed restrictions state that you MUST NOT put out garbage before the day of pickup. All BSHA residents are eligible for private garbage service; the contract is currently held by Texas Pride. Do not use City of Houston collection bins. Note: Texas Pride observes 4 Holidays per year: New Year's Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Trash pickup will roll to the next regularly scheduled day.
Effective October, 2015, Texas Pride services BSHA with FRIDAY pick up of common recyclable materials - paper, cardboard, aluminum, glass, and plastics. Recycle material should be placed in the designated bins provided.
It does NOT include disposable lighters, hazardous products, paint, or electronics.
Alternatives are:
1) Discovery Green Recycling (>2 miles from BSHA located at 1500 McKinney): Discovery Green, in partnership with the City of Houston and Waste Management, is a recycling center every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. Downtown residents can drop off paper, glass, plastic and cans. On the first Saturday of March, April, May and June, Accenture's Eco-Team organizes a Recycling Fair with environmentally friendly product demonstrations, workshops and hands on recycling activities. More information at
2) The City of Houston operates several facilities including a convenient drive-through, Westpark Consumer Recycling Center, located at 5900 Westpark. The center accepts paper, glass, metal, and aluminum as well as batteries, oil, paint, antifreeze, and computer electronics. Materials do not have to be sorted.
Westpark Consumer Recycling Center
HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
5900 Westpark / Houston, TX 77057
PHONE: 3-1-1