The Baldwin Square Homeowners Association, Inc., per its governing documents, is managed by a board of three elected Directors, none of whom need to be a member of the Association or resident of the Property. Directors are elected to serve a 2 year term during the Annual Homeowners Meeting in November of each year. Officers are determined by the Board in its constituting December meeting.
You are welcome and invited to bring ideas, issues, or concerns to the Board at any time. To contact the Board directly, simply email us or direct your request to the BSHA Community Manager, Rikki Block You are also welcome to attend any regular Board meeting. We recommend confirming your attendance in advance in the event a meeting is postponed due to schedule conflicts.

Luis Vivar
Current Term Expiration: 2024
Board Member Since: 2020
BSHA Home Community: Baldwin Sq. l
Sophia Baloch
Vice President
Current Term Expiration: 2025
Board Member Since: 2023
BSHA Home Community: Baldwin Sq. lI
Joseph Tsinger
Current Term Expiration: 2025
Board Member Since: 2023
BSHA Home Community: Baldwin Sq. V
Meetings of the Board of Directors
The regular meeting of the BSHA Board of Directors is held on the third Wednesday of the month, 6:00 p.m. at First Lutheran Church.
Meetings are open to the public (confidential agenda items - such as individual homeowner's financial matters - will be discussed in executive session).
Please confirm meeting times and arrangements with Rikki Block in advance.
First Lutheran Church
Education Center
1311 Holman Street
Houston Texas 77004
All minutes are posted in electronic format (pdf) after approval by the Board in the subsequent meeting. Minutes of previous years are available to all members upon request.
Annual Property Owners Meeting
The Baldwin Square Homeowners Association, Inc. has a number of committees that enable the member residents to be involved with their community.
Any and all changes to the exterior of your Townhome or the Townhome Site require the approval of the Modifications Committee. A homeowner is required to submit an application describing the modification and no work should commence until the application is approved. This application can be emailed, faxed or mailed to Sterling ASI.
Parking regulations were adopted by the Board of Directors of the Baldwin Square Homeowners Association in April, 2006. BSHA Homeowners were apprised of the regulations in a letter dated May 1, 2006. Vehicles left unattended, parking or encroaching on any common area, including, but not limited to, the common driveways, landscaped areas and lawns, are in violation of the regulations and are subject to towing.
The maintenance fees for the Baldwin Square Homeowners Association, Inc. vary by Community. A listing of each Community is under the Communities page.
The methodology has a simple basis:
1) allocate common costs equally (property management, trash, insurance, administration fees)
2) track and invoice actual costs incidental to each Community and/or size.
As example, gated communities with fencing, landscaping and irrigation pay more than non-gated communities without landscaping and/or irrigation expenses. Additional Assessment Fees are assessed for common water meters and resulting usage for each Community listed (111 units).
This is why it is important to investigate leaks immediately. Individual Water meters are billed to and paid for by respective property owners by CoH without BSHA involvement (54 units).